Office of Professional Standards

Clearance for service

Who needs a clearance?

The Professional Standards Uniform Regulations prescribe at Schedule 1 that lay people who hold any of the following roles, offices or positions, are required to hold a Clearance for Service which is a certificate granted by Kooyoora (Office of Professional Standards):

1 A. Those who hold a role, office or position that constitutes “ministry to children” within the meaning of the Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017, currently as follows:

Ministry to children means work of a kind where a person:  

   (a) is required to hold a working with children check, or a working with vulnerable people check by reason that the person has contact with a child as part of engaging in a regulated activity; or

   (b) exercises a pastoral ministry which has direct, regular and not incidental contact with children; or  

   (c) provides services to children that are ancillary to the exercise of a pastoral ministry within General Synod – Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017 Adopting Ordinance 2017 paragraph (b) which involve:  

          (i) contact with children during an overnight activity (such as camps and similar activities); or  

          (ii) close, personal contact with children (such as changing clothes, washing and toileting); or  

   (d) supervises the ministry of a person within any one or more of paragraphs (a) to (c); or  

   (e) performs a professional standards role; or  

   (f) performs a safe ministry role. 

1 B. Those who hold a role, office or position that requires them to have a WWC Clearance under the Worker Screening Act 2020 (Vic).

Regardless of whether a role, office or position is within the meaning of 1 A. and 1 B. above, any of following roles, offices or positions:

  • Child Safety Officer, Family Safety Champion

  • Leader or coordinator of, or instructor, teacher, or other position providing leadership, oversight or direction in —

  • children’s or youth group;

    1. camp where children are present;

    2. crèche;

    3. Sunday School or other educational program for children or young people;

    4. small groups where children are present and not accompanied by a parent;

    5. choir, music, dance or acting group that includes children;

  • bus driver for children;

  • candidate for selection conference for Holy Orders;

  • theological exiting student intending to seek ordination;

  • theological student doing a youth or children’s practicum;

  • Warden of Altar Servers or coordinator of the altar serving team where the team includes children. 

Church authorities may also require other people to obtain a Clearance for Service (see section 60(3) of the Professional Standards Uniform Act).

Clearance for Service Requirements

Lay people who require a Clearance for Service must submit their application to Kooyoora within 30 days of being elected or appointed to their role, office or position.

Requirements for a Clearance for Service:

  1. By applicant:

    1. Clearance for Service (Safe Ministry Check) application form (obtained from parish portal)

    2. National Police check issued within the last 5 years

    3. Current WWCC (Working With Children Check)

    4. International police check if applicant has lived in the one country overseas for more than one year in the last 10 years as an adult.

  2. By Kooyoora:

    1. Anglican National Register check

    2. Kooyoora register check

Kooyoora will process applications according to the Clearance for Service Protocol

For further information and enquiries:
